Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jesus: Apolitical!? part 1

The church is only the church when it exists for others.
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Social services did not exist in the Roman Empire until a peculiar and odd group of people began to take responsibility for those in need. That peculiar people was the early church. That odd group had not only looked upon their own but began to care for the poor of their own "enemy".

There is a proverb that says "Your gifts will lead you to the thrones of Kings and Queens." Mother Teresa was definitely one whom was capable of bringing about the manifestations of that scripture. When brought before world leaders she addressed the issue of abortion and especially confronted America on it. She said this:
"Please don't kill the child. I want the child. Please give me the child. I am willing to accept any child who would be aborted, and to give that child to a married couple who will love the child, and be loved by the child. From our children's home in Calcutta alone, we have saved over 3,000 children from abortions. These children have brought such love and joy to their adopting parents, and have grown up so full of love and joy!"

I see so many similar stories in the Gospels that continue to deconstruct my views, my perceptions and my own plans for this life. I thank God that the Bible still does that to me. I would worry if the wonder of God's Word would cease to amaze and humble me. I would worry if it were to stop chiseling away at the walls I have built.

One story that I have recently been consumed by has been the occurrence found in Luke 14:1-14.

In order to get a good grip on this passage you must be enveloped by the first few verses. Some investigating is necessary in order to obtain a perspective that is fitting for the context of the moment this happened and what it has to say to us today in light of the political season at hand.

I took heavy notes from a teaching given by Greg Boyd and Scott Boren(The Kingdom: It's Really Upside Down) as well as some research through N.T. Wright's Luke For Everyone.

Here's what I'd like to share in the discussion of this passage with you:

We find Jesus arriving at the home of a prominent Pharisee on the Sabbath. Have you ever delved into the world of the Pharisee? Here's a slight taste: Pharisees were experts of the Law(the Torah). Not all lawyers were Pharisees but almost every Pharisee was a lawyer, teacher, rabbi or in other words, an expert of the Law. Another interesting fact, since we're debunking the apolitical theories of Jesus, is how so very politically involved the Pharisees were.

There were two schools of the Pharisees that existed in Jesus' day. Those two schools were Shammai and Hillel. Shammai were prone to armed revolt and Hillel was a "we want to live and let live" school. With great insight and research from N.T. Wright we learn this and we can also learn that the Pharisees were indeed thronging for a Separatist Nationalism. In other words, they - compared to similar actions found regularly in the Church in America today, were pushing to basically legislate morality.

They believed that if they enforced the children of Israel into a holy state that they would prepare for themselves the immediate entrance of the Kingdom of God. They themselves would enforce holiness upon their people whilst creating their own laws of enforcement and work from the inside out and then have their way and their own Kingdom without end. Political agenda to the core!

The story continues to say that Jesus was being carefully watched. If you go back a few chapters in Luke you will find that the Pharisees have concluded that this Jesus is not joining in with their efforts. Think about that. With the immense fame and popularity that was forming around Jesus there must have been some job securities at stake within the leadership roles of the religious elite. Why else would Jesus be invited to a "prominent" Pharisee's home?

The next portion of scripture tells us that a man with dropsy is right in front of Jesus upon His arrival. Dropsy is an abnormal swelling of one's body. According to some of the man-made laws of the Pharisees at this time, dropsy was the result of sexual sin. Wha???

Look at this scenario:
  • Jesus being watched carefully and on the Sabbath...
  • Dinner meeting with a prominent Pharisee...
  • A sick(unclean) man due to sexual sin just happens to be there...


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