Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Planning a speech 20 years in advance

I have decided to plan a speech for my son, Luke, beginning now. This will be for a speech that will probably not be given for another 20 years or so.


Because yesterday morning Luke decided to keep me from relaxing too much on my day off. Yes, as he and I enjoyed the company of each other wrapped in a blanket on the couch as we watched season 2 of "The Justice League", Luke decided to explore unknown territories of what a day has to offer. My 2 year old son, for whatever reason known to mankind, jammed a yogurt-covered raisin up his nose.

Now I knew something was wrong as he began to whine and pick at his nose as a trail of melted yogurt seeped down from his nostril. It didn't take long to piece it all together. So after several attempts to try and get it out myself I had to accept my limited abilities to fulfill this unscheduled task and head off to the doctor's office.

After waiting in the "waiting room" for and hour and a half it took the doctor all but 10 seconds to "go in" with a very long pair of needle nose pliers and pluck the deeply placed booger laden raisin from his nose. The doctor offered to let me keep it for memories sake but after 2 seconds of thought I declined realizing that this moment will instantly be an unforgettable experience.

How many folks get to pin there kid down as a raisin is removed from his or her nose? Priceless and quite gross.

Thanks son for giving me one up on you to talk to your bride-to-be someday.

1 comment:

that girl said...

dear scott,
please write more!