I have decided to plan a speech for my son, Luke, beginning now. This will be for a speech that will probably not be given for another 20 years or so.
Because yesterday morning Luke decided to keep me from relaxing too much on my day off. Yes, as he and I enjoyed the company of each other wrapped in a blanket on the couch as we watched season 2 of "The Justice League", Luke decided to explore unknown territories of what a day has to offer. My 2 year old son, for whatever reason known to mankind, jammed a yogurt-covered raisin up his nose.
Now I knew something was wrong as he began to whine and pick at his nose as a trail of melted yogurt seeped down from his nostril. It didn't take long to piece it all together. So after several attempts to try and get it out myself I had to accept my limited abilities to fulfill this unscheduled task and head off to the doctor's office.
After waiting in the "waiting room" for and hour and a half it took the doctor all but 10 seconds to "go in" with a very long pair of needle nose pliers and pluck the deeply placed booger laden raisin from his nose. The doctor offered to let me keep it for memories sake but after 2 seconds of thought I declined realizing that this moment will instantly be an unforgettable experience.
How many folks get to pin there kid down as a raisin is removed from his or her nose? Priceless and quite gross.
Thanks son for giving me one up on you to talk to your bride-to-be someday.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Jesus Was Homeless: Matthew Works Part 2
My previous post gave somewhat of a brief introduction to my friend Matthew Works. He spent about a month here in Kent as he planned out the furtherance of his journey to San Francisco. Just before he left for his next branch of his "tour" in Chicago and Omaha, Matthew sent me this note on his stay here in Kent and his time with the Vineyard community.
Now if there is ever a time a pastor can stop and and say this is it right here. This is why we do what we do. This is who we are in Jesus. This is the identity we have in our Triune God. This is us abiding in Him and He in us. I cannot express how so very grateful and humbled I am with this beautiful community known as The Vineyard.
We have not cornered the market on anything and we certainly have not discovered some new way of doing things. We have purposed since our beginning to be a people that would follow in the footsteps of the Sacrificial Servant just as our early Church fathers did just that and wrote it down so that we too could have a way to follow.
I share this with you and those that give their time to read this stuff so that perhaps it will give you hope and give you some ideas for wherever you serve and partake in a community that adores the Living Christ.
If there is ever anyone that will speak into what we do let it be those that are the outcast and lonely. Let it be the homeless and impoverished. Let it be the thieves, beggars and prostitutes that determine to say that we are genuine and authentic and not ourselves.
Here's the letter that I recieved from Matthew Works, my friend, back in January 2008:
Hello Scott ( dear friend and brother-in-Christ ) !
1.) On Monday morning, immediately following the night that I spoke at The Vineyard, I went over to Starbucks, so as to meet with Kelly and Howard. They had wanted to drive me down to Akron, so as to speak with, and show my artwork to, one of the people who work there. But, before Kelly and Howard had arrived at Starbucks, I ran into Robert, the artist from The Vineyard ! ( He and I had had a long talk, the night before, all about one of our all-time favorite film-makers, Luis Bunuel ! A "lifetime" ago --- i.e., back when I had been a college student --- my major was film making; and, even though I never did end up graduating, I do know something about movies; and, in meeting Robert and having that conversation with him about Bunuel, I felt so much "at home", as with a true brother, "a kindred spirit". And, it was a joy, therefore, to have seen him again, the very next morning.)
2.) Then, Kelly and Howard arrived, and we headed down to Akron. The three of us talked non-stop. They shared with me some of their amazing "life stories". And, again, I felt like I was made to feel so much "at home" ( this time, with them.) [ By the way, did you know that Howard just celebrated his birthday ( on Saturday, January 26th ) ? Although --- I should warn you --- he can be sort-of shy about it; so, if you say anything to him, try not to "put him on the spot", too much ! ] Also, while we were at The Chapel, we got to hear that lecture by the guest speaker for that Martin Luther King, Jr. Luncheon. It was excellent !
3.) At my first opportunity to check my e-mail messages ( after that Sunday ), I found that I already had a message waiting for me ! It was from a member of The Vineyard ! Kori ! He had seen how much I liked his coat, so he offered to give it to me ( I was given a choice of either that same one, or any of the others that he owns ! ) I couldn't believe it ! I've rarely met anyone who is so giving, so generous, so Christ-like in how we are to "share what we have, with those who have not". It was amazing !
4.) The next day, I was up on campus, and Josh spotted me ! He came over and greeted me warmly. He, then, got on his cell phone, and started talking with his girlfriend, Heather. The three of us, then, ended up at the food court, in the Hub. While we were hanging out there, talking, someone else showed up, and asked me, "Are you Matthew ?"
I answered, "Yes. Were you there, at The Vineyard, last night, also ? And, what's
your name, by the way ?"
"Oh, my name is Lauryn", she answered, "And, no, actually; I wasn't able to be
there, last night; but, I heard all about it, from one of my house-mates --- Lindsay." !!!
5.) Before I left the Hub, someone else called out to me : "Hey, Matthew ! That was a good talk, you gave, last night !" It was Beth --- the political science major ! ( The way she said this to me was soooo nice ! )
6.) The next day, Liz spotted me, walking around campus, and she treated me to a dinner, in the food court ! ( I've since run into her at the library, and also at the bookstore. She's fantastic ! )
7.) Then, one night, I was walking from campus, and --- after taking a wrong turn --- I got lost ! It seemed like I was walking for an hour or so, before I finally made my way back to some place that I recognized --- the CVS store, on Water Street ! When I went to the cash register to make a purchase, the woman behind the counter said something to me, like :
"So, how are you doing, tonight ?"
"Well ... I'm ... tired ... actually", I started to say, still somewhat dazed from the
long walk, and, from trying to understand why this complete stranger was talking to
me in so familiar a tone-of-voice --- like, she was my sister or something !? At this
point, I felt like saying to her, "Well --- if you really must know ---I got lost, and so,
I've been walking-around, for a long time; so, I'm really very tired, at the moment."
Then, she said, "You don't recognize me."
That's when my eyes were suddenly opened, and I noticed that it was Lauryn,
once again ! She, then, tipped me off to the fact that the M&Ms were on sale ( "Buy
one, get one free" !!! ) Now, Scott, if you could only know just how much I love M&Ms,
you'd understand how, at that moment, under those circumstances, and by way of
that beautiful gesture, from this beautiful sister-in-Christ, I practically melted, on the
spot ! And, Lauryn never even knew how she could have said anything to me after
that, and I would have been putty in her hands !
8.) Just last night, I stopped by at Starbucks, again, and --- just before I was about to pay for my cup of coffee --- someone cut in front of me, and said, "That's alright, I'll pay it." That was Jamie !
On and on it went --- as the days turned into weeks --- the encounters with various members of The Vineyard Christian Community continued to occur; and, each time they did, I was continually floored by how welcomed I was made to feel, by how well received I have been, by everyone I've met from The Vineyard !
All of this leads me to the conclusion that --- whatever it is you are doing, Scott ( you and all the other people who are a part of your "team" / your "staff" ) --- you are ( all ) doing some truly great things as pastors, as ministers, of The Vineyard Community, here in Kent. .....................................................................................................................................................................
Another thing : I went back to The Vineyard, the following Sunday, but I didn't see you there. Shelby had made an announcement about the fact that your whole family had chosen to stay at home, that evening, as you were all battling some flu bug, or something. So, I missed seeing you, then.
Also --- throughout these weeks since I last saw you --- I got to do a presentation at John Carroll University, for a group of approximately 25 students. It was the group that goes out, every Friday night, to people who are homeless, living in the streets of Cleveland. They deliver food to them, and socks, and other things. That presentation went very well. I'll almost certainly be doing another one, there, sometime next year.
Oh yes; I almost forgot to mention this : I wasn't able to come back to The Vineyard, this past Sunday, as I did a presentation for the youth group at The United Church of Christ ! That presentation went very well, too ! And, afterwards, Brian, the associate minister, there, bought me a Greyhound Bus ticket, bound for Omaha, Nebraska ! I am scheduled to leave leave around midnight, this coming Monday, February 4th.
And, lastly, I just checked The Vineyard website, and saw that the church will be watching the Super Bowl, together ! Do you think anyone would object if "this fan from Boston who will be rooting for the New England Patriots" were to attend ? The truth of the matter is, I can't think of a group of people with whom I would rather watch the New England Patriots beat the New York Giants, than all of you of The Vineyard Church, of Kent, Ohio !
Also, I would love to hang out with you, again, one more time, before I leave, Scott. Maybe, we can get a bite to eat, and talk some more. I know that there aren't too many days left, before I have to head back to Chicago ( and, then, on to Nebraska ); but, if there is any time in your schedule, it would be great to see you once more.
Peace and Love, and Justice ( and, open church doors ! ).
Your friend, and brother-in-Christ,
1.) On Monday morning, immediately following the night that I spoke at The Vineyard, I went over to Starbucks, so as to meet with Kelly and Howard. They had wanted to drive me down to Akron, so as to speak with, and show my artwork to, one of the people who work there. But, before Kelly and Howard had arrived at Starbucks, I ran into Robert, the artist from The Vineyard ! ( He and I had had a long talk, the night before, all about one of our all-time favorite film-makers, Luis Bunuel ! A "lifetime" ago --- i.e., back when I had been a college student --- my major was film making; and, even though I never did end up graduating, I do know something about movies; and, in meeting Robert and having that conversation with him about Bunuel, I felt so much "at home", as with a true brother, "a kindred spirit". And, it was a joy, therefore, to have seen him again, the very next morning.)
2.) Then, Kelly and Howard arrived, and we headed down to Akron. The three of us talked non-stop. They shared with me some of their amazing "life stories". And, again, I felt like I was made to feel so much "at home" ( this time, with them.) [ By the way, did you know that Howard just celebrated his birthday ( on Saturday, January 26th ) ? Although --- I should warn you --- he can be sort-of shy about it; so, if you say anything to him, try not to "put him on the spot", too much ! ] Also, while we were at The Chapel, we got to hear that lecture by the guest speaker for that Martin Luther King, Jr. Luncheon. It was excellent !
3.) At my first opportunity to check my e-mail messages ( after that Sunday ), I found that I already had a message waiting for me ! It was from a member of The Vineyard ! Kori ! He had seen how much I liked his coat, so he offered to give it to me ( I was given a choice of either that same one, or any of the others that he owns ! ) I couldn't believe it ! I've rarely met anyone who is so giving, so generous, so Christ-like in how we are to "share what we have, with those who have not". It was amazing !
4.) The next day, I was up on campus, and Josh spotted me ! He came over and greeted me warmly. He, then, got on his cell phone, and started talking with his girlfriend, Heather. The three of us, then, ended up at the food court, in the Hub. While we were hanging out there, talking, someone else showed up, and asked me, "Are you Matthew ?"
I answered, "Yes. Were you there, at The Vineyard, last night, also ? And, what's
your name, by the way ?"
"Oh, my name is Lauryn", she answered, "And, no, actually; I wasn't able to be
there, last night; but, I heard all about it, from one of my house-mates --- Lindsay." !!!
5.) Before I left the Hub, someone else called out to me : "Hey, Matthew ! That was a good talk, you gave, last night !" It was Beth --- the political science major ! ( The way she said this to me was soooo nice ! )
6.) The next day, Liz spotted me, walking around campus, and she treated me to a dinner, in the food court ! ( I've since run into her at the library, and also at the bookstore. She's fantastic ! )
7.) Then, one night, I was walking from campus, and --- after taking a wrong turn --- I got lost ! It seemed like I was walking for an hour or so, before I finally made my way back to some place that I recognized --- the CVS store, on Water Street ! When I went to the cash register to make a purchase, the woman behind the counter said something to me, like :
"So, how are you doing, tonight ?"
"Well ... I'm ... tired ... actually", I started to say, still somewhat dazed from the
long walk, and, from trying to understand why this complete stranger was talking to
me in so familiar a tone-of-voice --- like, she was my sister or something !? At this
point, I felt like saying to her, "Well --- if you really must know ---I got lost, and so,
I've been walking-around, for a long time; so, I'm really very tired, at the moment."
Then, she said, "You don't recognize me."
That's when my eyes were suddenly opened, and I noticed that it was Lauryn,
once again ! She, then, tipped me off to the fact that the M&Ms were on sale ( "Buy
one, get one free" !!! ) Now, Scott, if you could only know just how much I love M&Ms,
you'd understand how, at that moment, under those circumstances, and by way of
that beautiful gesture, from this beautiful sister-in-Christ, I practically melted, on the
spot ! And, Lauryn never even knew how she could have said anything to me after
that, and I would have been putty in her hands !
8.) Just last night, I stopped by at Starbucks, again, and --- just before I was about to pay for my cup of coffee --- someone cut in front of me, and said, "That's alright, I'll pay it." That was Jamie !
On and on it went --- as the days turned into weeks --- the encounters with various members of The Vineyard Christian Community continued to occur; and, each time they did, I was continually floored by how welcomed I was made to feel, by how well received I have been, by everyone I've met from The Vineyard !
All of this leads me to the conclusion that --- whatever it is you are doing, Scott ( you and all the other people who are a part of your "team" / your "staff" ) --- you are ( all ) doing some truly great things as pastors, as ministers, of The Vineyard Community, here in Kent. .....................................................................................................................................................................
Another thing : I went back to The Vineyard, the following Sunday, but I didn't see you there. Shelby had made an announcement about the fact that your whole family had chosen to stay at home, that evening, as you were all battling some flu bug, or something. So, I missed seeing you, then.
Also --- throughout these weeks since I last saw you --- I got to do a presentation at John Carroll University, for a group of approximately 25 students. It was the group that goes out, every Friday night, to people who are homeless, living in the streets of Cleveland. They deliver food to them, and socks, and other things. That presentation went very well. I'll almost certainly be doing another one, there, sometime next year.
Oh yes; I almost forgot to mention this : I wasn't able to come back to The Vineyard, this past Sunday, as I did a presentation for the youth group at The United Church of Christ ! That presentation went very well, too ! And, afterwards, Brian, the associate minister, there, bought me a Greyhound Bus ticket, bound for Omaha, Nebraska ! I am scheduled to leave leave around midnight, this coming Monday, February 4th.
And, lastly, I just checked The Vineyard website, and saw that the church will be watching the Super Bowl, together ! Do you think anyone would object if "this fan from Boston who will be rooting for the New England Patriots" were to attend ? The truth of the matter is, I can't think of a group of people with whom I would rather watch the New England Patriots beat the New York Giants, than all of you of The Vineyard Church, of Kent, Ohio !
Also, I would love to hang out with you, again, one more time, before I leave, Scott. Maybe, we can get a bite to eat, and talk some more. I know that there aren't too many days left, before I have to head back to Chicago ( and, then, on to Nebraska ); but, if there is any time in your schedule, it would be great to see you once more.
Peace and Love, and Justice ( and, open church doors ! ).
Your friend, and brother-in-Christ,
Monday, February 11, 2008
Jesus Was Homeless: Matthew Works Pt 1

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of running into a man by the name of Matthew Works. With Christ as our common ground we shared stories of old and new. We celebrated where we found common occurrences of Christ-Followers leaving this world behind and seeking the Kingdom first and shared healthy frustrations on the need for the Church in America to resist the "spectacular" and embrace the ordinary.
If you read Chapter 21 of Jim Wallis' : God's Politics, you will discover the same Matthew that I spent a week or so with in sharing meals and tears and frustrations and joys as we built each other up for the sake of honoring our King.
Matthew has been homeless for ten years in Boston. He is currently on a "tour" going across America by whatever means that carries him and he is sharing the Gospel and questioning, with love, the western ways of the church in America at churches and universities and any where else that would dare to let him speak... these truths.
I interviewed Matthew during our Church service as the main part of our service. He is an amazing artist and an eloquent speaker of the ways of Jesus and of the most well remembered saints. He is unescapable in his kindnesses and brings truly heart-wrenching convictions on what it means to care for the least of these.
Here is something that Matthew recites with great heart and gentle composure wherever he goes. Here is Matthew's psalm/poem:
by Matthew Works
by Matthew Works
(c.)1999, matthewworks@yahoo.com
Jesus was homeless,
and so were Peter and Paul.
How can the churches, then, lock their doors
on the least among us all ?
What you do to the least of His brothers-and-sisters
you do to the Son of God;
and, should one of these least ones freeze to death,
it's because your heart has grown hard.
If Store 24 can be open
for twenty-four hours a day,
then how can the Body of Christ on Earth
turn any body away ?
In truth, there are no excuses
for the poor to be treated this way.
If only the churches would open their doors
homelessness could be ended today.
God wants us to respond with compassion
to the plight of the homeless and poor.
So, come on, all you bishops, and all of you priests,
first your hearts, and, then, open those doors !
Jesus was homeless,
and so were Peter and Paul.
How can the churches, then, lock their doors
on the least among us all ?
What you do to the least of His brothers-and-sisters
you do to the Son of God;
and, should one of these least ones freeze to death,
it's because your heart has grown hard.
If Store 24 can be open
for twenty-four hours a day,
then how can the Body of Christ on Earth
turn any body away ?
In truth, there are no excuses
for the poor to be treated this way.
If only the churches would open their doors
homelessness could be ended today.
God wants us to respond with compassion
to the plight of the homeless and poor.
So, come on, all you bishops, and all of you priests,
first your hearts, and, then, open those doors !
Friday, February 8, 2008
My Brother - Tim

Here's my brother as he is currently in Iraq.
He is as tough as they come and yet as gentle and quiet as a new kid on his first day of kindergarten.
It is quite difficult to know he has gone off to war and to know that the heart of Christ opposes this very thing. I pray for him and for the Iraqi families whose sons and daughters have gone to war as well. Only God can bring peace to this chaos that darkens and erodes our humanity.
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