Monday, April 21, 2008


What Would Buddah Do?    
No. That's not what it stands for.

What Would Bush Do?
Uh... nope.

What Would Bono Do?

Oh man. So that'll either keep you reading or you are ready to go elsewhere. How many people have grown tired of hearing Bono this, Bono that. Or perhaps you rejoice every time you hear his name.

It's no surprise to hear cynics in Christendom take shots at Bono. He's doing Kingdom work. Most Christians that actually do the works of the Kingdom realize that the attempted placement of obstructions to halt them in their efforts are usually put there by other Christians.

Same reasons that they pounded viciously after Jesus: Envy, greed, pride, lack of understanding, lack of humility. What's more important is recognizing the way Bono has approached enormous problems in the world. He has taken responsibility of hunger issues, disease issues, poverty issues and he has utilized his gifting to spear head an effort that has forced governments to concede and has rescued thousands if not hundreds of thousands. 

Obviously it's not a one man show as there are hundreds that assist and give as Bono does. What I see in his effort is that he is giving what he has. It applies to our daily lives quite relevantly as well. He's not asking permission from the powers that be to do the work of caring for people and being a genuine support in the fight to aid people and give them a chance to live and in a way that is fair and just.

Why is it that we dehumanize people like Moses or Joseph or even Esther. We make them into "great heroes" of the Bible. There is no question that what they did was amazing but they really were just people like you and I. They too were just like Bono is today.

Moses was obedient and despite his admitted faults and limits he freed the Hebrews from hundreds of years of slavery. After all, he did obtain an excellent education from the very people that had enslaved his true people. Who better to do this job of fighting the "Empire" than one who grew up in it?

Joseph was faithful and ultimately saved millions of people from starvation. He was a hard worker who gave his best to those he was "under". While he was unjustly imprisoned he earned favor with the prison guards because he was a diligent worker and he added value to everything that they had him do. So was it just some supernatural ability to read people's dreams that made Joseph a phenomenon or was it his incredible work ethic?

Esther was a quiet woman who literally saved the Jews from extinction. A plan as evil as Hitler's was well under way and Esther's ability to speak her faith out through her lifestyle led her to confront and speak out loud to a king who killed people for interrupting him. Is humility and quietness the gift or the ability to be vocal?

Bono is an artist who has obtained great fame and is now utilizing that fame to extract resources from places of plenty to the places of empty. He doesn't have to do that but he realizes that he can. And not only that but Bono realizes that God is telling him to do just that. This is what carried Moses, Joseph and Esther to and through their responsibilities as well. 

We find a rock star speaking at the Congressional Prayer Breakfast where he could have talked about being a poor Irish boy who became successful. Instead he admonishes the beauty of America and not only how we can help but how it is our God given responsibility to do so. And so medical supplies and food have begun to pour into extreme poverty stricken areas around the world.

Do you see how Bono and Moses sit at the same table with you and I. If not you've based the ability to serve God on the scale of worldly success as opposed to His request of you to just do what he asks of you. The response after that is usually: Well what has God asked of me? He has told us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the prisoner, heal the sick, etc... These are doable every day of our lives. They truly are.

With a little bit of coordination, a few phone calls and some emails, myself and a handful of people that I get to "work" with delivered over 80 bags of toiletry items to a Section 8 housing development. (Why toiletries? Because welfare doesn't cover toiletries.) One hour later we fed some 200 homeless people in a public park in downtown Akron with donated home cooked meals.


We don't ask for permission to throw out flotation devices to people who are drowning. We just start throwing things that float. 

People say to me at times that we're trying to do too much. I say that the Church is not doing enough and that the Church must hear the cries in our cities and communities because never in the history of the Church have we had such incredible resources to use . 

We are expected to respond to poverty in our cities by God and by those who are suffering. We give God our response at the end of each day whether we have responded with action or apathy. That action doesn't always mean the physical labor of it either. It means study and learn. Ask questions from those that live in poverty. Give your helpful insight away! Research and know your community and where the wounds are.

Poverty in America is easy to push out of sight. We can simply "change the channel" and watch something else. 

So people can trash on Bono all that they want and degrade his faith and how he approaches the problems that break the very heart of God. The truth is that Bono is getting it done. We can ask: What Would Bono Do? because he is doing what Jesus did.

Friday, April 18, 2008

God at Work

The cries for help are everywhere and it seems at all times so very overwhelming anymore. You don't actually have to go to Africa or Haiti or the Middle East to discover this either. Take a walk through your city. Spend a year visiting soup kitchens and shelters or just welfare offices. Anyone with an ounce of care will discover and learn relatively quickly that the roads of poverty continue to take hard rights and lefts and are constantly facing construction and repair.
There are 10,000 advocacy groups that one can join and never have "to do" anything. There are all kinds of causes that make great T-shirts and sweet bumper stickers but never require a person to work for it. Just buy it. Just buy into it.

This isn't going to be a rant on the destructiveness of well intentioned efforts that don't follow through on the long haul because that's too easy to do. It's just too easy to criticize good intentions and it doesn't help if it isn't providing solutions. Although there may be some criticisms on certain approaches I hope to cover those criticisms, if they're made, with well thought out solutions that have come from getting "dirty".

For over two years now a small group of us Christ-Followers have been moving people from homeless shelters into housing. We are approaching some 155 moves so far. This has been an ongoing weekly work(year round) that requires some structure but for the most part it requires only a vehicle to move furniture and a handful of laborers. No committees and no Board Meetings.

Our whole approach has been to follow the direction of Jesus and His teaching on loving our neighbor. It's been the fishes and loaves way of the heart that has prodded us to bring what we have and seriously watch God provide stuff in an instant.[Just ask me about the fishes and loaves way if you don't understand what that means.}

Just last week two of our volunteers met up with a woman moving out of one of the shelters into her new apartment and she needed a bed. So they jumped into their truck and began to troubleshoot when all of a sudden they saw a sign on someone's front lawn that said, FREE BED. So there you go. Simple and just. God at work.

It is these moments that have patterned the way of the cross to cut it's way into our lives and our hearts. For those who have experienced the loneliness and dehumanizing pains that come with being left homeless we gather furniture for their empty apartments. Do you see how God's works that in us. He gathers goodness and pushes it into our empty hearts.

What it does not require is a 501C3 non-profit filing or insurance or even a budget. We have been approached with structures, programatic suggestions and cautionary approaches. Each one of these approaches have far more proven that they are quite often the things that create obstacles in outreach, evangelism and servanthood. 

We cannot expect to engage people in hardships and pain and expect to be able to walk away unscathed. Martin Luther King, Jr. talked about how if we show great love we will experience great disappointment. That's hard to walk with. That's really hard to walk with. And we are asked to walk with that for a while and not just a little while.

So you may ask, why bother if it's gonna hurt? Because the world is full of hurt and God is absolutely in control and we are not. He has been at work to restore this broken place and He is still at work and He will complete His work. He is Eternal which means He is the beginning and the end of what we know as time. Eternity is the bookends of what we call time. We are in between forever and ever because He surrounds it all.

Now we can be in awe of that and behold the beautiful mystery of our Lord and King and then be a part of His bringing His body into it's intended fullness here on earth as He is doing through the Church. Or we can avoid it and pretend that hell is not ravaging the lives of our neighbors.

The weapons of our warfare are not constructs that bring about a violent means but they are instruments of peace that pave a road to the King Eternal- Jesus. Moving some furniture has helped pave the road of trust for folks that are hard hearted towards Jesus and His body - the Church. Sharing food and clothes has turned God's kids away from being within a yard of Hell. It's no wonder Jesus did this stuff so often. Whether he fed the hungry or held a conversation with rich people, His heart poured out the same in very practical ways - food and conversation. Simple tools that we all can use. God at work.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tim :: Iraq

My little brother is on patrol in the photo. He is currently an officer at Camp Bucca which is the largest detainee center(prison) in Iraq.
There are currently over 13,000 inmates at the prison. They expect another 6,000 by December of 2008.
My brother is due back by mid may. It'll be a huge relief to us all... especially our Mom.